We  Grow with God  through fellowship, study, discussion, personal growth and spiritual enrichment.  Come  join us !  

  • Adult Sunday School

    Adult Sunday School is now learning about the book of Mark. This class meets every Sunday at 9 AM in the Parlor or online via Zoom. Class members usually take turns each week reading Scripture passages, followed by a group discussion guided by teacher, Byron Champlin. There will be no outside reading. Any adult is welcome to come and participate or just listen.


    Online or in the Church Parlor, 9:00 am, Sundays, September - June

  • MusiC

    The Electric Praise Band, "EP," sings most Sundays during worship and the Jubellation Handbell Choir rings about once a month. Music Leader, Susan Papinsick, sings and leads as well as coordinating groups for special occasions.  

    We would love to see you there! To learn more about Choir or Handbells, contact Susan Papinsick (spapinsick@comcast.net). Regarding Electric Praise, see Alan Schulte.  You can also checkout our playlists on our YouTube channel.

  • N.E.S.T.

    At Wesley, a “NEST” is a small group of church friends where people can belong, be supported, and explore Christian faith and its implications for daily living. It's a place to share life, to collectively do good, and to grow together as members of the family of God.  

    For more info about Wesley NESTs, or for help in joining/building one, please call the church office at 224-7413. 

Making Wesley Your Church Home  

Becoming a member  If you are interested in learning about Wesley Church, the United Methodist Church, or church membership, please contact the Pastor by calling the church number (603-224-7413).

Baptism  The United Methodist Church baptizes infants in preparation for becoming full members through later confirmation classes. Adults and older youth who are joining Wesley are invited to be baptized as well. If you want to discuss a baptism,  call the church office to set up a meeting with the Pastor (603-224-7413). 

Confirmation   A confirmation class offers youth a chance to explore their faith on a deeper level. Confirmation classes are for youth in Grade 7 or higher.

Wedding  Do you have a wedding coming up, but don't have a home church? We hope Wesley will feel like home to you. Please join us for Sunday worship, and if you feel a connection, speak to the Pastor about your wedding. The Pastor will schedule pre-marital counseling and work with you to plan your big day.